Higher Education

Financial Impact & Scenario Planning

See it here in the Anaplan Partner Solutions Showcase

The impact of Covid-19 on nearly all industries has been swift and has presented challenges to organizations of all types including Higher Education.  This pandemic presents a challenge but also an opportunity for colleges, universities and academic medical centers.  Making the right strategic decisions will be rewarded with the ability to emerge from this crisis stronger, more resilient, and better equipped to respond to the quickly changing demands of students.

Allitix's Higher Ed Financial Impact & Scenario Planning accelerator draws upon decades of experience in Higher Education while leveraging the Anaplan platform to help you quickly evaluate scenarios and contingency plans.  This quick-start template allows you to stand up a model immediately, enabling easy analysis for institutions to make the best decisions possible in the current environment and expected future.  The scenario exploration capabilities of this model will allow you to better understand the financial impacts of what may happen and what strategic decisions mean to ensure the fiscal sustainability of the university.


Rapid time-to-value – deploy in a matter of weeks instead of months.

Evaluate all types of change and run various scenarios to best understand the impact from:

 o   Examine Auxiliary Revenues


o   Salary and Benefit Changes


o   Federal Covid-19 Funds


o   Capital and Financing Changes


o   Impacts to Athletics Revenue

o  FTFT Enrollment Impacts


o   International Student Enrollment


o   Flex Discount Rates


o   Retention Ranges by Cohort


o   Distance Learning Impacts